Totok Sugiharto , Contributor , Jakarta | Wed, 10/28/2009 1:30 PM | Supplement
What is process improvement? A glossary of management defines process improvement as a management technique for improving business results. It applies a systematic method to business activities.
The process depends on carefully defining terms (such as inputs, work activities, outputs, etc.) and particular measurements to identify cause and effect of its inter-relationships. Understanding them will lead to better decision-making in what to change to get better results.
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Article - Newspaper
Six Sigma, Value Based Management
Totok Sugiharto , Contributor , Jakarta | Wed, 09/16/2009 2:20 PM | Supplement
The traditional accounting model of valuation argues that particular equity share prices are set when the stock exchange capitalizes a company’s earnings per share (EPS) at an appropriate price/earning (P/E) ratio.
The difficulty is that the P/E ratio of a company changes all the time and this makes the EPS and P/E methods very unreliable as measurement tools for value.
As a consequence, both of the traditional models of performance measurements are inadequate in the sense that neither of them addresses the main concern of shareholders: i.e. is the management adding or subtracting value from their invested capital?
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Article - Newspaper
Wed, 08/26/2009 1:52 PM | Management
To date, practitioners in value chain management believe that the Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) concept is one of the best solutions to achieve operational excellence.
As I explained in my article “Weaving marketing into the fabric of a firm” published on this newspaper’s management page on April 15, 2009, the S&OP process is very simple, that is, it is based on the demand driven process with the objective to meet customers’ needs.
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Article - Newspaper
Totok Sugiharto , Jakarta | Wed, 08/12/2009 1:17 PM | Supplement
Bowersox (2009) defines the supply chain as “a strategy that integrates all aspects of satisfying customer requirements”. It means that virtually no element of the supply chain is totally independent.
Therefore when we change one element, it has a profound effect on the others. For example, a decrease in production batch size will have an impact on the inventory and plant utilization.
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Article - Newspaper
Supply Chain Management
Totok Sugiharto , Contributor , Jakarta | Wed, 07/29/2009 1:07 PM | Management
Achieving economics of scale is necessary to capture the lion’s share of the market. Usually it is expected by focusing on product and promotion.
To gain a stronghold in the market, cost effectiveness rather than uncontrolled spending is crucial at every stage of the value chain process. This can be done by integration, not by separate business functions.
Today, one of the key factors in initiating integration is the demand for value-based approaches. Practitioners in this area seek an approach that is essential to generating greater cash flow and creating value for the firm.
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Article - Newspaper
Totok Sugiharto | Wed, 07/15/2009 1:44 PM | Supplement
Value-based management (VBM) inspires everyone in an organization to make decisions based on an understanding of how their decisions will contribute to the organization’s value. VBM focuses on creating value and increasing shareholder wealth.
VBM has three objectives. First, as an integrated approach to align the vision, strategy, management processes and people in an organization that is aimed at continually increasing share value; second, as a framework to link goals, strategies, resource allocation, performance assessment, and compensation to value; and third, to understand investors perspectives when assessing a corporation’s performance and linking it to the stock price.
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Article - Newspaper
Balanced Scorecard
Totok Sugiharto | Wed, 05/20/2009 1:36 PM | Supplement
When the modern portfolio theory was popularized by Nobel Prize winner in economics Harry Markowitz, the academic society developed the concept of an efficient capital market (ECM). According to ECM, a market is categorized as efficient if all necessary information is reflected in the value of a particular equity share. Since the 1970s, ECM has been well supported by numerous professors.
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Article - Newspaper
Equity Share Values, IDX, SPERTEL
Versi awal tulisan ini telah dimuat di harian Investor Daily
Dalam suatu kelas investasi, mahasiswa kami pernah menanyakan bagaimana caranya investor dapat mengendalikan risiko investasinya apabila mereka menempatkan portfolionya di pasar modal yang berkembang seperti Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Seberapa potensialkah prospek BEI kedepan di mata para investor?
Kami mencoba memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya tiga faktor utama yang saling terkait untuk menjawab kedua pertanyaan di atas. Apa sajakah ketiga faktor tersebut? Pertama adalah informasi, Kedua, arus investasi asing yang keluar/masuk ke pasar modal, dan Ketiga adalah sentimen pasar yang tercermin oleh perilaku dari para pemain di pasar modal tersebut.
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Article - Newspaper
Weaving marketing into the fabric of a firm
Totok Sugiharto | Wed, 04/15/2009 1:27 PM | Supplement
One of the management challenges in business competition today is to focus on the achievement of operational excellence. Operational excellence is achieved when, compared with competitors, a company generates more revenue and enjoys a higher market share growth with the right amount of stocks at the right place and at the right time with moderate working capital. The focus of operational excellence is not only to achieve sales growth but also the bottom line of economic profit.
Sales and Operating Planning (S&OP) is one of the strategic processes in creating a realistic demand plan, which is achievable by supply that is used by all business functions. The plan starts from listening to the voice of the customer throughout the entire delivery process of product and service by the company. The plan meets general business objectives of the profitability, productivity, inventory or working capital used, competitive customer lead times, assets utilization, etc., as is expressed in the overall business plan.
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Article - Newspaper
B2B Integration, S&OP
Totok Sugiharto , Jakarta | Wed, 03/25/2009 1:09 PM | Management
One of the management focuses in today’s business climate is to scrutinize cost effectiveness for profit building opportunities. In the industry of consumer products, retailers fight for space turnover and focus more on product categories in their trading-term formats.
At the same time, manufacturers fight the carnage of downsizing by seeking growth in market share with distribution coverage expansion and new product launches. All of these create profit building opportunities in the industry.
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