God is op elk moment goed, Hij geeft een lied in mijn hart
God is op elk moment goed, in het duister verschijnt Zijn licht
God is goed, God is goed, op elk moment
wanneer u loopt, in de schaduw van de dood
wees dan niet bang, Hij zal u leiden
in zijn handen bent u veilig, Hij zal u niet verlaten
hoewel ik loop, in het dal van de duisternis
vrees ik geen gevaar, want de Here is altijd met mij
Maastricht, Province of Limburg, Netherlands
September 12, 2007
It was five years ago when I set my feet for the very first time in Maastricht. I was really amazed by the method of teaching here in MSM where the Professors are so friendly, open - minded, and ready to discuss with students at any time that need arises. It was for me a unique, enjoyable, empowering, unprecedented, and enriching educational experience.
The time passed by quickly and I completed my course work successfully by the end of 2003. The next step was to find a Supervisor for my Doctoral Thesis. One was suggested. I went to him to request him to be my Supervisor and he agreed. After a thorough discussion between us, I became confident and was convinced that I had made a right choice. I was later proved right.
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My Speech at the Graduation