
Posts Tagged ‘Change Management’

Process-based organizations: Structure & Integration

February 18th, 2009

Process-based organizations: Structure and integration
Totok Sugiharto , Contributor | Wed, 02/18/2009 2:55 PM | Management

Hammer and Champy (1993) define a business process as “a collection of activities that takes one or more kinds of input and creates an output that is of value to the customer”.

In every organization, the processes are at the very heart because they are the means through which companies create value for their customers. Major processes such as sales, logistics and manufacturing almost always draw on multiple functional skills and cross the external boundaries of the company.

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Article - Newspaper ,

Prasetiya Mulya - Pembaruan Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia

December 30th, 2008


Perubahan lingkungan eksternal dan persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat antar pemain dalam industri Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) di Indonesia mengakibatkan berubahnya “rules of game” di industri ini, dan semakin menuntut para pemain yang berbisnis di sektor ini untuk melakukan inovasi bisnisnya kedepan. Tulisan ini dibuat sebagai bahan diskusi dan change of knowledge yang mengupas beberapa aspek, baik perubahan lingkungan eksternal dari yang sebelumnya berfokus kepada produk (4P) menjadi fokus kepada pelanggan (4C), maupun perubahan sistem distribusi yang kemudian berfokus kepada demand driven distribution system. Konsekuensi dari berubahnya lingkungan eksternal ini membawa perubahan kepada konsep manajemen perusahaan dari sebelumnya menggunakan product driven concept menjadi market driven organization; berubahnya pola hubungan bisnis antar pemain dalam satu mata rantai distribusi, dan berubahnya strategi bisnis sehingga hanya pemain yang mampu mengaplikasikan manajemen berbasis nilai yang mampu bertahan di bisnis ini.

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Public Speaker , ,

CSEP 1 - GML Consulting

December 15th, 2008

The Most Comprehensive Certification in the New Science of Strategy Execution and Balanced Scorecard

Material Presentation:
From Seller to Buyer Market and the Implication to Change Management (A Perspective from FMCG Industry in Indonesia). Presented on June 13, 2008

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Public Speaker ,

Unpar - Bandung

December 15th, 2008

Guest lecturer of strategic management:

1. From Seller to Buyer Market and the Implication to Change Management (A Case of Concept, Formulation & Implementation of Lean Distribution Strategy). Presented on May 3, 2008

2. Driving EVA BSC System with ABC/M (A Case of Concept & Implementation of “Activity Based Cost Management” to Enhance Financial Reporting Capability). Presented on November 15, 2008

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Guest Lecturer , , , , ,