
Posts Tagged ‘EVA’

Striving for Excellent Performance

September 16th, 2009

Totok Sugiharto , Contributor , Jakarta | Wed, 09/16/2009 2:20 PM | Supplement

The traditional accounting model of valuation argues that particular equity share prices are set when the stock exchange capitalizes a company’s earnings per share (EPS) at an appropriate price/earning (P/E) ratio.

The difficulty is that the P/E ratio of a company changes all the time and this makes the EPS and P/E methods very unreliable as measurement tools for value.

As a consequence, both of the traditional models of performance measurements are inadequate in the sense that neither of them addresses the main concern of shareholders: i.e. is the management adding or subtracting value from their invested capital?

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Article - Newspaper ,

Unpar - Bandung

December 15th, 2008

Guest lecturer of strategic management:

1. From Seller to Buyer Market and the Implication to Change Management (A Case of Concept, Formulation & Implementation of Lean Distribution Strategy). Presented on May 3, 2008

2. Driving EVA BSC System with ABC/M (A Case of Concept & Implementation of “Activity Based Cost Management” to Enhance Financial Reporting Capability). Presented on November 15, 2008

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